In Rustavi, Georgia, the kids climbed the walls of the ancient castle

Videos (links below)

31 October 2021

In this medium-sized city of southeast Georgia, we enjoyed the open spaces and green areas.  We also flew our drone over a Stalin-era factory.

A mixed-race American boy using a water fountain in Rustavi, Georgia, an ex-Soviet republic in the Caucasus



We thoroughly enjoyed a day trip to Rustavi, Georgia.  As the reader can observe in the video below, the city is full of well-planned open spaces and green areas. 

The peaceful boulevards, public art, and lovely parks would make this a idyllic setting for retirement or study.  We envy the students of the city’s medical school for having such a nice place in which to pursue their scholarship. 

American Halloween festival, back in Tbilisi, Georgia after a day in Rustavi

The town hosts a large steel plant that was constructed in 1948 in the final years of Stalin’s dictatorship.  A wide boulevard with well-maintained gardens connects the factory to an impressive central square.

Now that Georgia is a free country, some historically illiterate visitors might see the Soviet legacy with curiosity or even nostalgia.  However, our family is well-versed in the terrors and atrocities of Leftist extremism during the 20th and 21st centuries.

In fact, we’re currently studying Ukrainian because we will be moving to Ukraine in early November.  We’re eager  to support our Ukrainian brothers in their struggle for sovereignty, freedom, and democracy.